Sunday, August 11, 2019

The culture of Wegnans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The culture of Wegnans - Essay Example Wegmans has practiced selecting their employees according to their interest and genuine commitment for their field of endeavor. Through sharing a common passion, employees are maintained and developed with appropriate motivation and incentives that contributed to a verly low turnover; manifesting employees’ satisfaction on their jobs. By providing them with ample motivation through compensation benefits and with recognition of performance, the employees’ personal and professsional needs are achieved. Then again, by according them with opportunities for professional growth and development through training programs, employees regard their career with Megmans as worthy and rewarding. In return, employees exhibit exemplary performance through manifesting increased productivity that reverberates to the positive attitute towards workes, customers, and other stakeholders. The crucial role that motivation plays in their organizational culture has enabled them to achieve leaders hip and recognition as one of Fortune’s Best Companies to work for in 2009 (Chapter 16: Cultivating Organizational Culture n.d., p. ___). 2. ... 1). By recognizing that the success of the organization highly depends on its human resources, Wegmans has embodied the ideals and philosphies disclosed in their five statements that explain who the company is about: â€Å"(1) We care about the well-being and success of every person: (2) High standards are a way of life. We pursue excellence in everything we do; (3) We make a difference in every community we serve; (4) We respect and listen to our people; and (5) We empower our people to make decisions that improve their work and benefit our customers and our company† (Wegmans: About Us, 2011, p. 1). Through the years, from one generation to the other, Wegmans has sustained their culture through imbibing these ideals to the people who rose from ranks within the organizational hierarchy. Since Wegmans exhibited a very low turnover, it means that the employees have been loyal to the organization and their training and development program enabled them to assume higher responsibil ities through promotions and being recognized for exemplary performance. These people continue to exhibit and manifest the values that were promoted by the incorporators and their children through the years. The proof that Wegmans has continued to exhibit the culture of satisfying their people is being recognized for the 13th time in Fortune’s Best Companies to work where the award has been given â€Å"very year starting in 1998 through 2010. The company ranked 1st in 2005 and ranked #3 in 2010† (Wegmans: Awards, 2011, par. 4). 3. What are some threats to sustaining Wegmans’ culture? How can these be overcome? Since Wegmans has been exhibiting exemplary performance over the years through sustaining organizational

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